Best Medication to Cure Anxiety and Depression -

Best Medication to Cure Anxiety and Depression – Find Effective Solutions


Anxiety and depression are two major mental health issues that impact millions of people worldwide. They may have a profound impact on a person’s quality of life, making it essential to find effective solutions for their treatment. While therapy and lifestyle changes play a vital role in managing these conditions, medicine can also be a valuable tool.

In the further lines of this blog, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and impact of anxiety and depression, the importance of medication in their treatment, review the top medicines available, provide guidance on choosing the proper medication, and offer tips for managing mental health alongside medicine. To dive into the depth of the topic, keep reading.

Understanding Anxiety and Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Impact

Anxiety and depression are complex mental health disorders with multifaceted causes, symptoms, and far-reaching impacts on a person’s life.

Causes of Anxiety and Depression

Genetic factors: A family history of these disorders can increase one’s risk.

Brain chemistry: Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine can contribute.

Environmental factors: Stress, trauma, abuse, or major life changes can trigger or exacerbate symptoms.

Medical conditions: Chronic illnesses and certain medicines may influence mental health.

Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

  • Anxiety symptoms include excessive worry, restlessness, and physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat.
  • Depression symptoms often involve persistent sadness, fatigue, changes in appetite, and sleep disturbances.
  • Both disorders may lead to irritability, difficulty concentrating, and social withdrawal.

Impact of Anxiety and Depression

Impaired daily functioning: Anxiety and depression can interfere with work, relationships, and daily tasks.

Physical health consequences: Chronic stress can lead to heart problems, weakened immunity, and more.

Increased risk of substance abuse: Few people turn to substances as a coping mechanism.

Suicidal thoughts and actions: In severe cases, these disorders can lead to life-threatening situations.

Importance of Medication in Treating Anxiety and Depression

Medication plays a critical role in treating anxiety and depression, mainly when symptoms are acute or resistant to other forms of therapy. While not a cure, these medicines can effectively alleviate symptoms, allowing people to better engage in therapeutic interventions and make necessary lifestyle changes.

Complementary to Therapy

  • Medicine can be used alongside psychotherapy to provide a multi-pronged approach to treatment.
  • Therapy helps address the underlying causes and provides coping strategies, while medicine manages symptoms.

Rapid Symptom Relief

  • Medication can provide quick relief from severe symptoms, making it easier for people to function and engage in therapy.
  • In some cases, medication can be a lifesaving intervention, especially when suicidal thoughts or actions are present.

Restoring Neurotransmitter Balance

  • Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicines work by regulating neurotransmitters rebalancing brain chemistry.
  • This rebalancing helps reduce symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Reducing Relapse Risk

  • Medicine can decrease the risk of relapse, helping people maintain mental health stability.
  • It can be especially beneficial for those with recurrent or chronic forms of anxiety and depression.

Top Medications for Anxiety and Depression: A Comprehensive Review

There are several types of medications used for treating anxiety and depression. The choice of medicine depends on the specific diagnosis and individual response. Here, we will review some of the most commonly prescribed drugs for these conditions:

Therapy and lifestyle changes are vital components of treatment; medicines can also play a crucial role in managing these disorders. This comprehensive review explores some of the top medicines commonly prescribed for anxiety and depression.

SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors):

SSRIs like fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and escitalopram (Lexapro) are often the first-line treatment for both anxiety disorders and depression. They work by boosting the levels of serotonin in the brain, which may improve mood and lower symptoms.

Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs):

Medications such as venlafaxine (Effexor) and duloxetine (Cymbalta) are SNRIs that target both serotonin and norepinephrine. They can be effective for people with depression or anxiety, primarily when SSRIs don’t provide sufficient relief.


Benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax) are used to manage acute anxiety symptoms. However, they are generally prescribed for short-term use due to the risk of withdrawal and dependence.

Atypical Antidepressants:

Drugs like bupropion (Wellbutrin) and mirtazapine (Remeron) can be used when SSRIs or SNRIs are ineffective. They have different mechanisms of action and can be particularly useful for people with atypical depression or specific anxiety symptoms.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs):

TCAs, such as amitriptyline and imipramine, are older antidepressants that are sometimes used when other medications have not been effective. They can have more side effects and require careful monitoring.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs):

MAOIs like phenelzine (Nardil) and tranylcypromine (Parnate) are rarely prescribed due to dietary restrictions and interactions with other medicines. However, they can be effective for treatment-resistant cases of depression.

It’s important to note that medication choice should be individualized, considering factors like the specific diagnosis, severity of symptoms, and potential side effects. Furthermore, the use of these medicines should be closely monitored by a healthcare expert to ensure safety and efficacy.

Combining medicine with therapy and lifestyle changes can offer a holistic approach to managing anxiety and depression, providing people with the best chance of improvement and recovery. Patients should always consult with their healthcare experts to determine the most suitable treatment plan for their unique needs.

How to Choose the Right Medication for Your Anxiety and Depression

Choosing the right medication for anxiety and depression requires careful consideration by both the person and their healthcare expert. There are various options for depression and anxiety medication. Here are some essential factors to keep in mind when making this critical decision:

Consult a Mental Health Professional

Begin by consulting with a psychiatrist or other mental health specialist who can make a precise diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

Consider Diagnosis and Symptoms

The choice of medicine depends on the specific diagnosis (e.g., major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder) and the severity of symptoms.

Individual Response

Medications can affect people differently. What works well for one person may not be effective for another. Be open to adjusting the treatment plan if needed.

Side Effects and Tolerability

You should discuss potential side effects with your healthcare expert. Some side effects may be intolerable, while others may be manageable.

Medication Interactions

You must inform your healthcare expert about all medications, including OTC drugs and supplements, to ensure there are no harmful interactions.

Potential for Dependency

With certain medicines, like benzodiazepines, there may be a risk of dependence. Be cautious and use these under close supervision.

Treatment Duration

Decide whether medication will be a short-term or long-term solution. Some people may only need medication for a specific period, while others may require ongoing treatment.

Lifestyle and Personal Preferences

You must consider your daily routine and lifestyle when choosing a medication. Some medications may be taken once a day, while others require multiple doses.

Regular Monitoring

Ongoing communication with your healthcare expert is essential. Daily check-ups and adjustments to your treatment plan may be necessary.

Tips for Managing Anxiety and Depression Alongside Medication

Here are some essential tips to help people effectively manage these conditions alongside their prescribed medications:

Therapy and Counseling:

Consider psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or mindfulness-based therapy, to learn coping strategies, address underlying issues, and gain emotional support.

Lifestyle Modifications:

You should prioritize regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Physical activity can boost mood, and a healthy diet may have a positive impact on brain chemistry.

Stress Reduction Techniques:

You must practice relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and deep breathing to lower stress and anxiety. These techniques can complement medication by promoting relaxation.

Social Support:

Maintain connections with friends and family. Social support can provide emotional validation and a sense of belonging, which is essential for mental well-being.

Mindfulness and Mind-Body Practices:

You should engage in mindfulness meditation or yoga, which can help improve self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Set Realistic Goals:

Break tasks into manageable steps and set achievable goals. This can help prevent feeling overwhelmed, a common trigger for anxiety and depression.

Avoid Alcohol and Substance Abuse:

Refrain from excessive alcohol or drug use, as these can exacerbate symptoms and interfere with medication effectiveness.

Regular Medication Monitoring:

Follow your healthcare expert’s advice for medication use, including dosages and scheduling. Keep them informed of any side effects or concerns.


Make self-care a priority. You should engage in activities you enjoy and practice self-compassion. Take time for hobbies and relaxation.

Educate Yourself:

Learn about your condition and treatment options. Being informed can empower you to make better decisions about your mental health.

Remember that managing depression and anxiety is a personalized journey. It’s essential to work closely with a healthcare expert who can tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs, regularly assess your progress, and make necessary adjustments. Combining medication with these lifestyle and self-care strategies can provide a well-rounded approach to managing and improving mental health.


I hope you find this blog informative. We have mentioned anxiety and depression in the above section. Anxiety disorders and depression are challenging conditions that can impact a person’s life. While medication is not the sole solution, it can play a major role in managing symptoms and promoting well-being.

By understanding the causes, symptoms, and impact of these disorders, considering the available medications, and working closely with a healthcare expert to select the right treatment, people can effectively navigate their journey toward recovery. Remember that managing anxiety and depression is an ongoing process, and the combination of medication, therapy, and healthy lifestyle choices can help people lead fulfilling lives despite these challenges.


1- What are the common medications used to treat anxiety and depression?

Common medicines for anxiety and depression include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) like Prozac and Zoloft, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) like Cymbalta, benzodiazepines like Xanax, antidepressants like Wellbutrin, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) like Elavil, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) like Nardil. The choice of drug depends on your specific diagnosis and symptoms.

2- Are antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs the same thing?

Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs are not the same but may have some overlap in their effects. Antidepressants are primarily used to treat depression, but some can also help with anxiety disorders. Anti-anxiety drugs, like benzodiazepines, are specifically designed to alleviate anxiety symptoms. You should consult your healthcare expert. They help you to determine the most suitable medicine for your condition.

3- How do I know if medication is the right choice for my anxiety and depression?

The decision to use medicine should be made in consultation with a mental health expert, such as a psychiatrist. Medication may be considered when symptoms are severe, persistent, or significantly impair daily functioning. It’s vital to consider your diagnosis, individual response, potential side effects, and overall treatment plan before starting medication.

4- What are the potential side effects of anxiety and depression medications?

The potential side effects of these medications vary depending on the type of drug. Common side effects may include nausea, insomnia, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction, weight changes, or increased blood pressure. It’s essential to discuss potential side effects with your healthcare expert and monitor your response to the medicine.

5-Can I take medication for anxiety and depression alongside therapy?

Yes, medication can be taken alongside therapy, and this combination is often recommended for comprehensive treatment. Therapy, such as CBT, can help people address the major causes of their condition and develop coping strategies. Medicine can provide relief from symptoms, making it easier to engage effectively in therapy. It’s a synergistic approach that can lead to better outcomes for many people.

adipex for weight loss pill

Adipex Diet Pill in The Treatment of weight loss


Adipex weight loss pills are a popular weight-loss drug that helps suppress appetite. There is no recipe to replace a healthy diet and exercise. However, medicines like Adipex can help people struggling to lose weight on a diet or exercise alone.

Adipex may help some people lose weight, although results may vary from person to person. It depends on how long they use it and their weight loss activities. This article will look at what the current study says about Adipex, whether it helps with weight loss, recommended doses, and how to use them.

One should discuss weight loss options with their doctor. Adipex is a short-term weight loss drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The National Medical Library advises that people use the medicine for only a few weeks.

Adipex weight loss pills stimulate certain brain chemicals that tell the body that it is perfect. This can suppress appetite faster and help people eat less. Complementary therapy for people who find it difficult to lose weight after changing their diet or lifestyle to maintain a moderate weight.


In many cases, Adipex helps people lose weight. Since Phentermine’s approval by FDA in 1959, it remains one of the most popular Adipex prescriptions, either alone or as a combination therapy. The exact mechanism of how Adipex helps suppress appetite is not precise.

Researchers suggest that medicine increases neurotransmitter levels in the brain, decreasing hunger. Weight loss results might also depend on the person’s overall changes to their diet and lifestyle. These include regular exercise, calorie restriction, and a healthy diet.

Adipex weight loss pills can enhance these effects, but these changes are often sufficient to induce weight loss. For example, obesity studies have shown that Adipex may increase the efforts of some diet programs. The study found that people who changed their daily diet to reduce their calorie intake lost weight.


Adipex is for obese people and those who cannot lose weight with a balanced diet and exercise alone. It would help if you had a BMI of 30 or higher in a weight-related condition. In particular, for the drug to function correctly, diet and lifestyle changes are needed to support weight loss.

Adipex weight loss pills aren’t for people who want to lose a few pounds or are healthy. Your doctor will adjust each dose to get the lowest amount appropriate for you. Adipex is also a short-term drug. Some studies have reported the safety of Adipex for long-term use, but it is still intended for weeks of use. Adipex is risky, and doctors discuss the risks before prescribing weight loss medications.


Adipex alone or in combination with other drugs, such as topiramate, may have its own risk of side effects, including:

  • trouble sleeping or staying asleep
  • chest pain
  • increased blood pressure
  • constipation
  • heart palpitations
  • unpleasant taste
  • swelling in the legs
  • shortness of breath

In some cases, these drugs might also make someone unable to drive or operate heavy machinery.


A person’s conditions or medications may mean Adipex is unsuitable for them as a weight-loss drug. These include:

  • hyperthyroidism
  • glaucoma
  • a history of cardiovascular disease

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also avoid Adipex until they stop breastfeeding.

Doctors would monitor people with diabetes or hypoglycemia who take Adipex. They might need to reduce their insulin or other medications when they take the drug.

Diet pills like Adipex could also interact with alcohol, so a person on the drug should try to avoid alcoholic drinks.

Is Adipex a controlled substance?

Adipex is a schedule IV controlled substance chemically related to amphetamine drugs, such as methamphetamine, a stimulant with a history of abuse. There is potential for abuse, dependence, and overdose when someone takes Adipex.

Some people may become tolerant of the drug and want more to feel the same effects. It is essential to discontinue Adipex weight loss pills altogether and move on to other methods to lose weight in these cases.

People who take prolonged doses might also feel withdrawal symptoms when they stop consuming the drug. Talk to a physician about the risk of withdrawal in each case.


A person who takes too much Adipex may overdose. Symptoms include:

  • hyperactivity
  • rapid breathing
  • psychosis
  • hallucinations
  • panic attacks
  • nausea
  • rapid heartbeat
  • high or low blood pressure
  • convulsions
  • coma


Adipex, a medicine containing a mix of Adipex and other drugs, typically comes in an oral capsule. Doctors might tailor the amount to ensure a person takes the minimum effective dose.

Typical doses of Adipex for adults contain 15 milligrams (mg), 30 mg, or 37.5 mg, which delivers 12 mg, 24 mg, and 30 mg of Adipex, respectively.

A daily dose of Adipex and topiramate can vary from 3.75 mg Adipex and 23 mg topiramate to 15 mg Adipex and 92 mg topiramate.

Some underlying conditions would also change dosage recommendations. People with impaired kidneys might require smaller doses to avoid additional stress on these organs. Others with kidney disease might not be able to take the drug.

Doctors do not recommend Adipex in older adults as it might stress the kidneys. Children under 16 years must avoid the medicine due to uncertain risks.

It is also not advisable to take the drug in the evening or at night, as this might cause insomnia.


Adipex weight loss pills could help people lose weight, but it is still a medication treatment.

A healthy diet and active lifestyle should be the foundation for a moderate weight. General weight loss tips include:

  • Living a healthy diet and eating nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, vitamins, whole grains, and proteins.
  • Doing regular physical exercise, including cardio and strength training.
  • Avoid greasy or less nutrient-dense foods, such as fast food or packaged goods.
  • Avoid added calories from sugar-sweetened beverages.


Adipex is an FDA-approved weight-loss drug that is popular due to its effectiveness. Adipex weight loss pills are for people with Obesity who struggle to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. There are still risks with Adipex and similar drugs. A person who wants to take them should see their doctor to discuss their options.

Debilitating Depression, Symptoms & Treatment

Debilitating Depression, Symptoms and Treatment

Debilitating depression

In 2021, an estimated 14.9 million adults aged above 18 in the USA had debilitating depression with severe impairment in the past year. This number represented 6.0 percent of all adults in the USA. Please read this blog to understand debilitating depression in detail.

What is debilitating depression?

Debilitating depression is when the symptoms of major depression are so severe or prolonged that a person can’t function normally in one or more areas of their life. For instance, debilitating depression may make it impossible to keep up with housework, basic hygiene, a job, or normal relationships with family and friends. There are some pretty severe consequences of untreated debilitating depression, including suicide. Therefore, it is essential to get treatment for debilitating depression.

What are the symptoms of debilitating depression?

Some symptoms that you have debilitating depression can include:

  • Not bathing or showering for days or weeks
  • Neglecting hygiene, wearing dirty clothes, and not brushing hair
  • Being completely unable to function in school or at work
  • Feeling extremely agitated and guilty
  • Having sleep disturbances
  • Forgetting to eat or consuming only whatever junk food is available
  • Noticeable slowing of your ability to think or do remotely active tasks, even getting up and walking around your house
  • Psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions and becoming physically immobile

One must address this severe and debilitating depression since it can cause severe complications, such as substance abuse, physical injuries due to self-harm, malnutrition, failing at school or loss of a job, physical illnesses, social isolation, and damaged relationships.

What are the causes of debilitating depression?

Debilitating depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the USA. Research suggests that genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors can be responsible for debilitating depression. There are several potential causes of debilitating depression, and some factors may combine to trigger symptoms. Factors that can increase an individual’s risk of developing debilitating depression are:

  • a personal or family history of debilitating depression
  • certain physical illnesses, like diabetes, heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease
  • significant life changes, including stress and trauma
  • specific medications

Treating and Managing debilitating depression

Everybody experiences depression in unique ways, even with typical symptoms. Some people have less frequent states of depression or more mild depressive moods. These moods may debilitate others. People with debilitating depression might not be able to function, struggling to do even the basic daily tasks such as bathing and getting dressed. This degree of depression is not something a person has to live with for long. If you or someone you care for is struggling with debilitating depression, seek treatment. Debilitating depression feels hopeless, but there is hope.

There is no cure for debilitating depression, but with the correct medical treatment and therapy, you can live with depression, manage symptoms, and reduce the risk of future episodes. Even for the most debilitating cases of depression, treatments can be effective. The treatment for patients with debilitating depression is usually similar to the treatment for other kinds of depression. Below, this blog shares some common treatments for individuals with debilitating depression.


Psychotherapy is a standard treatment for debilitating depression. Psychotherapy can include talk therapy, which involves patients with debilitating depression attending regular sessions with a therapist to share how they feel. Psychotherapy can allow individuals to learn ways to adjust to situations that worsen their depression symptoms.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (or CBT) is another type of psychotherapy that medical experts use to treat debilitating depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on how beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes can affect people’s behaviors and feelings. Cognitive-behavioral therapy uses a hands-on and practical approach, with a therapist interacting with the person to modify their patterns of behavior and thinking. This modification allows the individual to achieve a beneficial change in their mood and how they live their lives.


Doctors and mental health experts usually prescribe antidepressants for people with debilitating depression. These medications regulate chemicals and hormones in the brain that contribute to an individual’s mental health. The drugs aim to modulate mood and behavior, and both relieve the debilitating depression symptoms and prevent them from coming back.

  • Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (i.e., SNRIs) are common antidepressant drugs that doctors prescribe to treat debilitating depression. Examples of SNRIs are desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), duloxetine (Cymbalta), and venlafaxine (Effexor).
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (or SSRIs) are another common medication for the treatment of debilitating depression. Examples of SSRIs are citalopram (Celexa), paroxetine (Paxil), fluoxetine (Prozac), and sertraline (Zoloft).
Electroconvulsive therapy (or ECT)

ECT is a treatment for people with debilitating depression. ECT is an option for patients who don’t respond to medication or psychotherapy. ECT takes place under general anesthesia. While the individual is under general anesthesia, a medical team places electrodes on the scalp in precise locations. Then they stimulate their brain with controlled and brief electrical pulses. This stimulation leads to a small seizure within their brain that lasts about one minute. ECT aims to cause changes in the brain’s chemistry to improve depression symptoms and other mental health conditions.

Other treatments for debilitating depression

People can also try to reduce debilitating depression symptoms in other ways. A mental health doctor can advise on methods to try, which can include:

  • alternative approaches, such as acupuncture
  • light therapy
  • regular exercise
  • nutritional changes

Debilitating depression and anxiety

The chance of acquiring anxiety is much higher when debilitating depression already exists. Nearly half of those with debilitating depression also suffer from persistent and severe anxiety. People who have debilitating depression feel anxious and tense often. One can easily trigger the other, with anxiety usually preceding debilitating depression.


Debilitating depression is a severe mood disorder that causes people to have a persistent feeling of sadness. People usually describe debilitating depression as crippling. Debilitating depression can make a person feel constantly depressed or low. It can also lead to feelings of worthlessness and guilt and the inability to feel pleasure in things that an individual would usually find pleasurable. Debilitating depression can also prevent sufferers from completing regular daily tasks like eating, working, and sleeping.

Common treatments for debilitating depression involve psychotherapy and a range of antidepressant medicines. These treatments can be pretty effective and work well to manage symptoms of debilitating depression.

pain medicine flexeril

Flexeril Use dosage Side effect and Generic name

Know About Flexeril In Details

What is Flexeril?

A muscle relaxant called cyclobenzaprine is Flexeril, a brand name for the drug. It works by suppressing pain signals transmitted to the brain. It is used to treat skeletal, muscular discomfort, and damage with rest and physical therapy.

Relaxes muscles by lowering muscular hyperactivity in both gamma and alpha motor systems (these are nerve fibers that directly connect with skeletal muscle and are responsible for muscle contraction). On the other hand, cyclobenzaprine does not now act on skeletal muscle.

Unlike other muscle relaxants, Flexeril does not relieve muscle spasms caused by central nervous system diseases like cerebral palsy. It is a muscle relaxant that a doctor prescribes. Cyclobenzaprine is the Flexeril generic name.

Flexeril is a short-term medication unfamiliar to a large portion of the general public due to its short duration. For those prescribed Meds by their doctor, most recommend using it for no more than three weeks at a time.

What are the side effects of Flexeril?

Flexeril has a short-term effect, so it should only be used for a short time. Some people over the age of 50 can have a hard time taking Flexeril because of its harmful side effects. With physical therapy and rest, It should be used to help with aches and pain. It should not be used on its own. Many people who take Flexeril have widespread side effects. Some of them are:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Dry mouth

Some less common side effects include skin rash, tongue or facial swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. In addition to severe side effects such as chest pain and irregular heartbeat, Arrhythmias and sinus tachycardia have been reported with Flexeril. If these severe side effects occur, seek medical attention immediately. As a result of the combination of Flexeril with another CNS depressant, Combining Flexeril with alcohol or benzodiazepines, for example, may cause euphoria or relaxation.

What are the precautions for Flexeril?

  • You should tell your doctor and pharmacist if you have an allergy or any of its ingredients.
  • Mention any MAO inhibitors, rasagiline, selegiline, or tranylcypromine you have recently stopped taking. Cyclobenzaprine should not be taken if you are taking any of these medications.
  • Report a recent heart attack or an overactive thyroid gland to your doctor: heart failure, irregular heartbeat, heart block, or other electrical problems. Not taking this medication may be advised by your doctor.
  • Notify your doctor if you have high intraocular pressure, glaucoma, or liver disease.
  • If you are 65 or older, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. It is not recommended for older adults because it is not as safe or effective as other medications.
  • Do not take cyclobenzaprine if you are pregnant. It is unknown if this enters breast milk. Consult a doctor before nursing.

What can you take with Flexeril for pain?

A pain reliever like one of the following is often used with cyclobenzaprine to stop nerve impulses.

  • acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • Anti-inflammatory NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve).

Cyclobenzaprine treatment usually lasts no more than 2 to 3 weeks.

You should avoid taking MAO inhibitors while taking this:

  • isocarboxazid
  • linezolid
  • methylene blue
  • moclobemide
  • phenelzine
  • procarbazine
  • rasagiline
  • safinamide
  • selegiline
  • tranylcypromine.

Is Flexeril a pain killer or muscle relaxeris?

Flexeril is an analgesic that relaxes the muscles. Skeletal muscle spasms and acute musculoskeletal disorders and conditions are among the most common reasons for its prescription. Flexeril is used to treat fibromyalgia, which the FDA does not approve. After starting to use Flexeril, it is only effective for the first two weeks. The pain-relieving effects of the medication begin to wear off after two weeks.

It is used in conjunction with rest, physical therapy, and other treatments to relax muscles, alleviate pain and discomfort caused by strains, sprains, and other muscle injuries, and prevent muscle injuries. It is a member of a class of drugs known as skeletal muscle relaxants, which relax the body’s muscles. It works by exerting an effect on the brain and nervous system, causing the muscles to become less tense and relaxed.

Flexeril Dosage

In addition to being available as a tablet, cyclobenzaprine is available under the brand name Amrix in the United States. Amrix is a prescription medication that has an extended-release. Flexeril dosages are available in three strengths: 5, 7.5, and 10 mg tablets. The flexible dosage adults are typically 5 mg three times per day, which is generally recommended for most patients. Dosages of up to 10 mg should be taken three times daily. Typical side effects of Flexeril 10mg, such as drowsiness and dizziness, are the same as those experienced with other Flexeril dosages.

Is Flexeril Addictive?

Flexeril is not a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act because it is not a drug. As a side note, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says that the drug is being used and abused. In 2010, more than 12,400 people went to the emergency room because they used Flexeril. There is a 101 increase from 2004.

Many people who abuse the drug do so in conjunction with other drugs or alcohol to increase the potency of the drug’s effects. Some users report feelings of sedation and relaxation after abusing the drug. A small number of users have reported feelings of euphoria.

People who use it for a more extended period may develop tolerance and require higher doses to achieve the same effect as previously. When a person stops using it or reduces the amount they are using, they may experience physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

chronic conditions

Chronic conditions Vs. mental illness

Chronic mental illness definition

Chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, may likely develop a mental health condition. It is widespread to feel discouraged and sad after having a cancer diagnosis or heart attack and when trying to manage a chronic disease such as severe pain. You may be facing new limits on what you can do or may feel concerned or stressed about the treatment outcomes and future.

It can be pretty challenging to adapt to the new reality or cope with the changes and ongoing treatment that comes with the diagnosis. Activities including gardening or hiking may become harder. A temporary feeling of worry is expected, but if these and other symptoms last more than weeks, you may have depression.

It may affect your ability to carry on with the routine activity or enjoy with family, work, leisure, and friends. Your health affects of stress go beyond mood.

Overview of chronic disease or condition

A health condition that requires medical attention or starts restricting an individual’s life for at least one year is considered a chronic condition or disease. These conditions are most common in the United States that include but are not limited to strokes, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.

Out of all health illnesses in the USA, chronic diseases are the most costly, prevalent, or responsible for seven out of ten deaths in the United States. They can result from risk factors, including family history, age, poor eating habits, substance use, etc.

Chronic illnesses may include arthritis, Alzheimer’s, chronic kidney disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, dementia, heart disease, fibromyalgia, obesity, traumatic brain injury, or stroke.

Chronic illness and depression

Mental stress is one of the most common complications of chronic disease. It is analyzed that approximately one-third of individuals with severe medical illnesses have symptoms of anxiety and depression.

An individual who suffers from chronic illnesses must adjust to both the disease and its treatment. Chronic infection may affect an individual’s mobility and independence and change how you live. These life changes can be stressful and may cause a certain sadness, which is normal.

In rare cases, suffering from a chronic disease can trigger what is known as clinically significant depression, which is itself a potentially severe but treatable condition. The professional and the patient may decide whether the symptoms of mental illness are just a normal reaction to the stress of having a chronic medical disease. But, they are so intense or disabling that it requires additional treatment with an antidepressant.

About one-third of people diagnosed with a severe life-changing chronic illness may experience symptoms of depression. After analyzing a severe disease, feelings of repair and sadness are normal. But, if it persists, treatment may include therapy and medication.

Adolescents and children with chronic illnesses

Adolescents and children with severe chronic disease often face more challenges than healthy peers in navigating adolescents. Severe chronic illness can affect cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development or take a toll on siblings and parents. These limitations can put adolescents and children at risk of developing a mental condition more than their healthy peers.

Children with chronic diseases may experience many forms of stress and worry. Health care providers and parents should know on the lookout for symptoms of anxiety and depression in young people and their families.

Psychological effects of chronic illness

Living with a chronic condition can affect you both mentally and physically. The effect it can take on your body is bound to interfere with your ability to cope with emotional and psychological stress. Chronic conditions make performing activities difficult and rob your sense of hope for the future.

The diagnosis of a chronic illness produces many extreme and long-lasting feelings from fear of guilt and exhaustion because of demands made on friends and family. Sadness and frustration are also ordinary when you realize the life you once knew is highly different.

Living with a chronic illness

Chronic conditions and mental illnesses, when left untreated, can be draining on the people living with the disease, coworkers, families, and communities. The chronic condition is a full-time job that takes effort and willingness to change the daily routine.

Being diagnosed with a chronic condition can be disorienting and frightening. Once you move beyond the shock of diagnosis, it is helpful to know how to cope with the daily stress of life with your illness.

Living with a chronic disease can make you particularly vulnerable. In addition to everyday life challenges that some people face, it adds new layers of stress and worry. For instance, you may need to:

  • manage increased financial pressure
  • take steps to manage your condition
  • cope with discomfort from the symptoms
  • adjust new limitations that your state puts on your life

You can take several steps to level up your quality of life and reduce the challenges of living with a chronic illness.

What are the treatment options to cope with chronic conditions with mental illness?

These conditions can bring on bouts of depression, which get in the way of successful treatment of the disease. Coping with a chronic illness is a challenge, and it is normal to feel sad and grief as you come to grips with your conditions and the implications. But, if these feelings do not fade away, it can interfere in routine activity such as trouble sleeping or losing interest in the activities you usually enjoy.

To avid mental illness:

  • You can try to isolate or reach friends and family. If you do not have a support system, take steps to build one. Ask your therapist about the community resources and support groups.
  • Ensure that you have the medical support of the professionals you trust and can talk to them openly about your concerns.
  • Consult your health care professional about the pain management
  • If you suspect that your treatment is bringing you down, consult your pharmacist about other possible medicines.

Bottom line

Living with mental illness and chronic conditions can be stressful, but you can take several steps to manage the requirements and maintain a good quality of life. Try to learn about the illness and the treatment needs. You are being proactive about the treatment plan and leading a healthy life.

Make time for things or activities that leave you feeling supported and happier while avoiding people and situations that can stress you out.

Pancreatic Cancer

All You Need to Know About Pancreatic Cancer

What type of condition is pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer is a condition in which cancer cells form in the pancreas tissue. Health history and smoking can trigger this type of cancer. Pancreatic cancer is usually not detected until advanced stages as it is hard to see its signs and symptoms. 

Pancreatic-Cancer stage 1

In 2021, an estimated 60,430 adult people (28,480 women and 31,950 men) in the United States will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. And the condition accounts for about 3% of all people with cancers. 

These data show the impact of pancreatic cancer in the United States. It is the tenth most common cancer in men and the eighth-most common cancer in women. 

In today’s blog, we will discuss pancreatic cancer and let you know about the best ways to avoid pancreatic cancer. 

What is the pancreas?

Since pancreatic cancer commonly occurs in the pancreas, you must know about it. The pancreas is a small, hockey-shaped gland located behind the stomach. The primary function of this gland is to aid in food digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. The pancreas is involved in maintaining blood sugar levels as it produces glucagon and insulin. 

So, pancreatic cancer occurs in the pancreas when changes in the gland cells lead them to multiply out of control. It is a widespread type of cancer that affects millions of people all over the world, as mentioned earlier in the blog. 

Professionals do not know exactly know pancreatic cancer happens, but some factors like genetics and sex, and age can be vital. We will discuss it in detail later in the blog. 

Symptoms of pancreatic-cancer

The signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer often do not appear until the later stages. Its symptoms can also resemble the character and symptoms of other health conditions, which can make diagnosis even more challenging.

Some common symptoms include:

  • abdominal or back pain and jaundice, which affects around 70% of people;
  • low appetite, or weight loss;
  • swelling of the gallbladder and liver blood clots;
  • vein thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism;
  • diabetes pale gray and fatty stool;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fever and chills;
  • in some cases, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation, indigestion, a rash due to jaundice;
  • If cancer spreads, new symptoms can appear elsewhere in the body, etc. 

It is not a complete list of symptoms caused by pancreatic-cancer. Some other complications may also occur in addition to these above-given symptoms. You must visit a doctor to confirm if you have anything abnormal in your pancreas or near the stomach

How does pancreatic cancer form?

Pancreatic cancer forms when your pancreas develops mutations in its DNA. A cell’s DNA includes the instructions that tell a cell how to react or what to do. These changes mean the cells develop uncontrollably and continue living after normal cells would die. These kinds of cells can convert into tumors. The pancreatic cancer cells can spread to blood vessels and other organs to distant body parts when left untreated. 

Pancreatic cancer causes

It is not clearly known what causes of pancreatic-cancers. However, researchers have identified some risk factors associated with pancreatic cancers. 

Risk factors may include;

  • Smoking cigarettes and using other forms of tobacco.
  • Obesity or high weight is also a risk factor.
  • Carrying heavy weight around the waist might be a risk factor even without obesity.
  • We are having diabetes type 2, which is linked to obesity.
  • The development of diabetes type 2 at an older age and in an individual with an average weight and body mass index.
  • We are being exposed to substances used by dry cleaners and metal laborers.
  • Having long-term pancreatitis or permanent inflammation of the pancreas is usually connected with smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol.

Other risk factors that you can’t change may include:

Hereditary long-term pancreatitis because of gene changes passed from parent to child. Hereditary syndromes with changes in genes — such as BRCA genes passed from parent to child. And;

  • Being older than 45.
  • Being Black.
  • Being male
  • Being of Ashkenazi Jewish descent

Stages of pancreatic cancer

Professionals use several ways to stage pancreatic-cancer, and the method used for this purpose is called TNM classification. Here are the four main categories which can define the stage of cancer. 

Resectable (localized)

This pancreatic cancer can be surgically removed, and in which surgery is done right after diagnosis. Sometimes additional treatment may be required. About 10 to 15 percent of patients are diagnosed with this stage. 

Borderline resectable

This category described a tumor that may be difficult to remove surgically when diagnosed. But if radiation therapy or chemotherapy can shrink the tumor, surgery may be possible to remove the tumor. 

Locally Advanced

This stage is still located only in the area around the pancreas, but it cannot be surgically removed as it grows into nearby arteries, organs, or veins. This means this type of pancreatic cancer cannot be removed with surgery as the risk of damaging these structures is too high. About 35 to 40 percent of patients are diagnosed with it. 


In this category, the tumor has spread beyond the pancreas and other organs like lungs, liver, and other parts of the abdomen. About 45 to 55 percent of patients are suffering from this stage. 

In simple terms, pancreatic cancer has four stages, which are; 

  • Stage 0
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Stage 4

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer stage 1

  • Abdominal discomfort that radiates to your back.
  • Yellowing of your face skin and the whites of your eyes 
  • Loss of appetite or unexpected weight loss.
  • Light-colored stools.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Dark-colored urine.
  • New diagnosis of diabetes that’s becoming more difficult to control.
  • Blood clots.

Though we have mentioned most details associated with pancreatic cancers, you have any other doubts; please drop a comment below. You can also visit our official website for more health blogs and information. 

high functioning autism

What does high functioning autism look like

High-Functioning Autism

High functioning autism is an informal term that refers to autistic people who speak, read, write, and manage ordinary life skills without much assistance. Autism is a renowned neurodevelopmental disorder that causes a broad range of challenges in an individual’s life regarding social skills, repetitive behavior, and communication. In this blog, we will look after some conditions concerning high-functioning autism.

High functioning Autism Brain

The damage to the brain is one of the critical reasons for autism. In high functioning autism, the cerebellum is the brain region that gets affected. Researchers have concluded that neurons that lack the RNF 8 protein have formed almost 50 percent synapses — the brain connections that allow neurons to send signals to each other. Here, a defective gene linked to autism influence the connectivity of neurons and failed to establish the usual connection with each other.

High-functioning Autism Symptoms

hard time with social interaction and communicationPeople with high functioning autism experience a hard time with social interaction and communication. They do not usually read social cues and might find it challenging to make friends. They get so stressed or annoyed by a social situation that they try to shut down.


Individuals on the spectrum who experience high-functioning autism can also strictly devote themselves to routine and order. They might have repetitive behavior and restrictive habits that might not seem normal to others.

There is a wide range of examples of how they deal with school and work. Some do extraordinarily well in school, while others feel overwhelmed and can not concentrate. Some can hold a job well, while others find it very challenging. It all depends upon the individual and the person’s situation. But even for someone on the spectrum who can do good in life, the common symptom among those clinically diagnosed with ASD is underdeveloped skills.

High functioning Autism Behavior Problems

Like all the individuals on the autism spectrum, people with this neurological condition also experience a hard time with social interaction and communication. They do not naturally read social indications and find it challenging to make friends. The worst part is they get so stressed by a social situation that they shut down.

The guardians may notice that young autistics find it challenging to interact with peers. The primary behavioral problems include:

  • A limited social circle (or just one friend).
  • Sharing issues with toys and materialistic things.
  • Difficulty completing group activities.

High-functioning Autism and Anger

High-functioning autism in children can cause a reoccurrence of extreme anger. They often engage in overthinking or repetitive thinking. A combination of excessive thinking with angry thoughts can turn into anger ruminations.

The frustration experienced by individuals with this neurological disorder is primarily due to reliving upsetting moments and the inability to express emotions in a way others can understand. It can result in outbursts or irritability, and anger.

Anger issues are common in children dealing with this mental condition as they find it challenging to control impulse and emotional regulation. Additional factors such as lack of sleep, illness, and anxiety can also affect or lessen their ability to control anger.

Aggression and meltdowns are common impulse control issues among high functioning autistic children, as one out of four children displays aggressive behaviors due to this mental disorder. Children’s immediate reaction by acting out aggressively makes them feel better and at least some degree of situation control.

High-functioning Autism Vs. Asperger’s

Only people with severe symptoms were clinically diagnosed with autism for a long duration. Later in the 1990s, milder forms started getting attention, including high-functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Both the medical conditions share several similar symptoms such as:

  • emotional sensitivity
  • linguistic oddities
  • social difficulties
  • fixation on specific subjects and ideas
  • devotion to routines
  • dislike of change
  • problem processing physical sensations
  • development of repetitive or restrictive habits

One can say Asperger’s disease is a high functioning type of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It means the symptoms are less severe than other forms of autism spectrum disorders. The symptoms of Asperger’s disease start at the early stage of life when one can notice that such individuals do not make eye contact. You may also find them awkward in social situations as they do not know what to say and how to respond when someone talks.

It is common in people dealing with both neurological conditions that they usually miss cues that are pretty clear to others. They even fail to understand body language or the expression on people’s faces. Another sign is the child may show less or no emotional sensitivity. They may not laugh at a joke or may not smile when they are happy. Or they may speak in a flat tone.

If your child has Asperger’s disease, they may talk about their likes and dislikes and focus intensely on one subject like rocks or football stats. And they might repeat themselves without being aware of it, especially on a topic that fascinates them. Children with this neurological condition do not like change. So, they may eat the same food every day or experience trouble moving from one class to other during the school day.

Overall, high-functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome causes the same symptoms, but they didn’t have delays in:

  • cognitive development
  • the use of language
  • development of adaptive behavior
  • having age-appropriate self-help skills
  • the development of curiosity about the environment

High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder

High functioning autism spectrum disorder is a severe developmental disorder resulting in significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. People with ASD may interact, communicate, behave, and learn in different ways from other individuals.

The learning, thinking, and severe problem-solving abilities of people with high-functioning ASD can range from severely challenged to gifted. Some individuals with this neurological condition need help in performing their daily life activities, while others need less. A diagnosis of high-functioning ASD now includes several problems that doctors usually diagnose separately; autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, and Asperger’s syndrome.

People with high-functioning ASD usually have problems with emotional, social, and communication skills. They might repeat specific behaviors and do not want any change in their daily activities. They also have different measures of learning, reacting to things, or paying attention. ASD signs start during early childhood and last throughout a person’s whole life.

Children or adults with this neurological condition might:

  • fail to look at the objects when someone points at them
  • not point at things on the correct side
  • avoid eye contact and always wants to be alone
  • experience trouble relating to people or understanding their feelings
  • repeat actions over and over again
  • show unusual reactions to the way things smell, look, taste, or sound

Diagnosing high-functioning ASD can be challenging since there is no specific medical test, like a blood test, to analyze the disorder. It can sometimes be diagnosed at 18 months or younger.

By the age of 2, a diagnosis by an experienced healthcare professional can be reliable and help get the necessary treatment as soon as possible. However, children do not get a final diagnosis until they get much older. A delay in diagnosis can further result in a delay in the treatment.


Can you live a normal life with epilepsy?


Epilepsy is a common but severe neurological condition that affects 65 million people worldwide. In the United States, this disorder affects about 3 million people. People of all ages can develop epilepsy, but it is more reported in young children and older adults. Males are slightly more prone to this neurological disorder than females.

In this blog, we will understand epilepsy better. The content contains an overview of this neurological illness, types of epilepsy, its causes, symptoms, medications, and its association with the covid vaccine.

Epilepsy Definition

Epilepsy is a chronic health condition that causes unprovoked, recurrent seizures. As we all know, an episode is a sudden electrical activity rush in the brain. Among the two primary types of seizures, generalized seizures affect the whole brain, while focal (or partial) seizures strike just one part of the brain.

A mild epileptic seizure may be difficult to recognize as it can last for a few seconds, during which you lack awareness or consciousness. While more substantial seizures can trigger uncontrollable muscle cramps and spasms and can for a few seconds to several minutes. During a stronger epilepsy episode, some people may become confused or unconscious. Afterward, that person may have no memory of it happening.

There are several responsible factors due to which you might have a seizure, including head trauma, high fever, shallow blood pressure, or alcohol withdrawal. There is no proper cure for epilepsy, but one can manage the disorder with medications other strategies.

Types of Epilepsy

There are four basic types of epilepsy: generalized epilepsy, focal epilepsy, generalized and focal epilepsy, and unknown if generalized or focal epilepsy. But here we will focus on the first two, most widespread epilepsy types:

Generalized Epilepsy

In this type of epilepsy, seizures take place on both sides of the brain, or one may say that it quickly affects brain cells networks on both sides. It can be further divided into two basic kinds of seizures:

  • Generalized motor seizures: They cause uncontrollable movements in your body, sometimes dramatically. When it strikes, your muscles stiffen and jerk while you lose consciousness. It includes clinic, tonic, clonic-tonic, and myoclonic forms of seizures.
  • Generalized non-motor seizures: They make you stop your task and stare into space. You may also start doing the same movements repeatedly, like flickering the eyes or smacking your lips. It includes typical, atypical, and myoclonic forms. And, in these seizures type, the person feels like he is not there.

Focal Epilepsy

In focal or partial epilepsy, seizures develop in a specific area or a network of brain cells on one part of the brain. It comes in four categories:

  • Focal aware seizures: If you know what is happening in your surroundings, it is an “aware” seizure, also known as “simple partial seizures.”
  • Focal impaired awareness seizures: If you are confused, have no clear idea of what is happening during the epileptic seizure episode, or do not remember any detail, it is an impaired awareness seizure. It is also called “complex partial seizures.”
  • Focal motor seizures: In this condition, there will be movement in your body to some extent, anything from twitching to rubbing hands, to spasms, to walking around. It includes some other types such as atonic, clinic, myocloni, tonic, and epileptic spasms.
  • Focal non-motor seizures: They do not cause cramps or other movements. Instead, it changes how you feel or think. You might experience strange feelings, intense emotions, or other symptoms such as goosebumps, racing heart, or heat or cold waves.

What causes epilepsy?

Epilepsy has no identifiable cause in about half the people with this medical condition. In the other half population, the health condition may be traced to various factors, such as:

  • Genetics (hereditary) influence: Some epilepsy forms run in families, categorized by the type of seizure individual experiences or the brain part that is affected. These cases indicate that there is a genetic influence. Researchers have associated some epileptic seizures forms with specific genes, but genes are only part of the primary cause of epilepsy for most. Some particular genes can make an individual more sensitive to environmental conditions that trigger seizures.
  • Brain abnormalities: Problems with the regular functioning of the brain, including brain tumors or vascular malformations like arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and cavernous malformations, can result in epilepsy. Stroke is one of the most prominent causes of epilepsy in adults older than 35 years.
  • Head trauma: A car accident or other traumatic injuries can lead to epilepsy.
  • Infections: HIV viral encephalitis, Meningitis, and some parasitic infections can also cause epilepsy.
  • Prenatal injury: Babies before birth are sensitive to brain damage that can result from several factors, such as poor nutrition, infection in the mother, or oxygen deficiencies. Damage to the brain can lead to epilepsy or cerebral palsy.
  • Developmental problems: Sometimes, epilepsy can be associated with an individual’s developmental disorders, such as autism.

Epilepsy Symptoms

Since epilepsy results from abnormal activity in the brain, seizures can affect any process coordinated by your brain. The usual signs and symptoms may include a staring spell, temporary confusion, stiff muscles, loss of awareness or consciousness, uncontrollable jerking movements, or psychological symptoms such as anxiety, fear, or Deja vu.

Epilepsy symptoms vary depending upon the seizure type. A simple focal (partial) seizure does not involve loss of consciousness; symptoms include dizziness, twitching (and tingling) of limbs, and alterations to the sense of smell, taste, hearing, sight, or touch. While complex partial seizures involve loss of consciousness, other symptoms include unresponsiveness, staring blankly, and performing repetitive movements.

Generalized seizures affect the whole brain, and the symptoms vary in each type. There are six types:

Absence seizures, also known as “petit mal seizures,” cause a blank stare. This medical condition may also cause repetitive body movements such as lip-smacking or blinking. There is also usually a temporary loss of awareness.

Tonic seizures symptoms include muscle stiffness. In contrast, Atonic seizures result in loss of muscle control and are more likely to make you fall suddenly. The characteristics of Clonic seizures are repeated, jerky muscle movements of your face, neck, and arms.

Myoclonic seizures are characterized by spontaneous rapid twitching of the arms and legs. While Tonic-clonic seizures, also known as “grand mal seizures,” consist of shaking, stiffening of the body, biting the tongue, loss of bladder or bowel control, or loss of consciousness.

Epilepsy Medication

The most common and first-line treatment for epilepsy is antiseizure medication. Drugs that help deal with the frequency and severity of seizures can not stop a seizure that is already in progress and is not a cure for epilepsy.

Firstly, your stomach will absorb the medicine, and then it travels through the bloodstream to the brain. It affects the brain’s neurotransmitters to reduce the electrical activities that result in seizures.

Antiseizure medications travel through the digestive tract and wear off from your system through urine. There are several antiseizure drugs available on the market. Your medical healthcare professional can prescribe a single medication or a combination of some effective medicines, depending upon the types of seizures you have.

Common medications for epilepsy include lamotrigine (Lamictal), levetiracetam (Keppra), valproic acid (Depakote), topiramate (Topamax), ethosuximide (Zarontin), and carbamazepine (Tegretol). These medications are usually available in tablet, liquid, or injectable drug form, and pharmacists prescribe them once or twice a day.

Your medical healthcare expert may ask you to take the smallest possible dose in the initial stage, which they will occasionally adjust according to your health requirements. You should take the medication consistently as per the prescription.

Some potential side effects of antiseizure medications (for epilepsy) may include dizziness, fatigue, poor coordination, skin rash, or memory problems. Rare but severe side effects include depression, anxiety, and inflammation of the liver or other organs.

Epilepsy affects several people differently, but most individuals experience improvement in their conditions with antiseizure medication. If children with epilepsy start taking antiseizure drugs at an early stage, the seizures stop, and they can stop taking treatment from these medications.

Epilepsy and Covid Vaccine

There are no reported cases of epilepsy due to previous doses of the Covid vaccine. In the case of booster dose (additional covid vaccine to build up or maintain immunity) also three are no special warnings or concerns linked to individuals with epilepsy and seizures. But you should check and follow CDC recommendations if you have this neurological disorder.


Symptoms of least severe or mild Hypothermia

An overview of illness

Hypothermia is a severe medical condition that occurs when an individual’s body temperature drops below 95 degrees. This drop in temperature can result in significant health complications, including death. Hypothermia is a problematic issue as it affects the ability of the person to think clearly. Also, it can reduce your likelihood of asking for medical help. You can experience this issue if you experience cold temperatures for an extended duration.

While your body’s normal metabolic processes generate heat, cold wintry weather can make the body lose more heat than usual. When such cold wind strikes, the core temperature drops. Hypothalamus: is a significant structure in the brain responsible for regulating body temperature. Some findings indicate that when you are exposed to cold, the hypothalamus raises your body’s temperature through specific measures, including increased muscle toning and shivering.

However, your body will eventually overwhelm with continuous exposure to cold, and the shivering will stop. Multiple body organs may stop their regular functioning in this situation, ultimately resulting in death. And, this makes hypothermia a hazardous condition.

Symptoms of hypothermia

Symptoms of least severe or mild hypothermia include:

  • tiredness, shivering, with a body temperature of 90 to 95 degree
  • nausea, hunger, rapid heart rate, unclear speech
  • increased muscle tone and blood pressure
  • dry skin that is paler than usual, frequent urination
  • loss of control of body movements
  • poor judgment, decline in memory and thinking ability

Usually, shivering stops when the temperature ranges between 86 to 90 degrees. Other symptoms of moderate hypothermia may include:

  • lethargy, continuous reduction in thinking ability
  • body temperature between 82 to 90 degrees
  • low blood pressure, less responsive enlarged pupils
  • slow heart rate and breathing rate
  • increased susceptibility to irregular heart rhythms
  • paradoxical undressing (removal of clothes)
Symptoms of severe hypothermia include:
  • continuous reduction of blood flow to the brain, making you unresponsive
  • body temperature below 82 degrees
  • a continued decline in heart rate, blood pressure, and heat output
  • congestion in the lungs, loss of reflexes
  • increased susceptibility to irregular heart rhythms
  • production of very little urine
  • Eventually, failure of heart and lung function

What causes hypothermia?

The primary reason for hypothermia is cold weather. When the body faces frigid temperatures, it starts losing heat more rapidly than it can produce. Staying in cold water for an extended period can also cause these effects. In such situations, the inability of your body to produce adequate heat becomes extremely dangerous. The temperature of your body can drop drastically low in a brief period.

Exposure to temperatures your body is not used to or colder than usual can also cause this condition. For example, if you get into a cold, fully air-conditioned room right after being outside, you put your body at the risk of losing excessive body heat in a short span.

Hypothermia in babies

According to the CDC, hypothermia in babies has different symptoms from adults. Babies are more likely to experience low energy with bright red and cold skin. As hypothermia worsens through the stages, the symptoms become more severe and dangerous. To prevent hypothermia in babies, you must dress them warmly and limit their exposure to places with cold temperatures.

Long term effects of hypothermia

To prevent the long-term effects of this medical issue, you need to get immediate medical attention. The more your wait, the longer its effects will arise and remain. If left untreated, hypothermia can further lead you to heart attack, kidney failure, liver damage, or even death. Other long term complications associated with this condition include:

  • frostbite, or tissue breath, is a common complication when body tissues freeze
  • gangrene, or tissue destruction
  • chilblains, or damage in nerve and blood vessel
  • trench foot, destruction of nerve and blood vessel due to water immersion

What should be hypothermia prevention?

To prevent hypothermia, you should follow these preventive measures:

  • have a look at the day’s weather forecast before stepping out of the house, and dress accordingly
  • avoid alcohol consumption and drinking caffeinated beverages as they fasten heat loss
  • Set up the home thermostat at 68 degrees or more, and dress warmly
  • to prevent wind drafts, place rolled towels underneath the doors,
  • check on older adults in your neighborhood, and ensure they have enough heat and food

In winter, unexpected events such as home power outrages and exhaustion of gas while driving can occur, posing a danger of hypothermia. Experts recommend keeping emergency survival kits at home and in your vehicle to come out safe from these events.

Home survival kits may include an emergency heating source, extra packed food and water, a fire extinguisher, and a smoke detector. While the car survival kit may consist of extra clothing to keep dry, sleeping bags and blankets, a water container, high-calorie (nonperishable) food, and waterproof matches.

Specific drugs, including psychiatric medications, are likely to increase the risk of hypothermia in an individual. It would help if you considered asking your medical healthcare provider whether the drug they are prescribing could increase the risk of hypothermia.

Which of the following is a proper way of hypothermia treatment?

This condition is a medical emergency, so if you suspect that you or someone is going through hypothermia, call for immediate medical help. The goal of any treatment in this problem is to increase your body’s temperature to a normal range. You may try the following methods until medical help reaches:

Remove wet clothing

Remove the affected person’s wet clothes. And if necessary, cut off the clothes while avoiding moving the individual. Cover them with warm pullovers or blankets, but not their mouth. If blankets are not available, you should use your body heat to warm them. If the person is in a conscious state, ask them to take warm beverages or soup to help increase the body temperature.

Apply warm compresses

You may apply a warmed water bottle, a warmed towel, or any other warm compressor to the chest, neck, or groin. But be careful as the sweltering temperatures can burn the skin or result in cardiac arrest.

Monitor the breathing

Closely monitor the person’s breathing and if it seems dangerously slow, or if the individual loses consciousness, perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if you know how to do it.


Medical treatments such as warm fluids, usually saline, are injected into the veins. Your medical healthcare provider may rewarm your blood, a method in which they draw blood, warm them, and place it back into the body.

Airway rewarming is also possible through masks and nasal tubes. Warming the stomach with the help of a cavity lavage or abdomen pump, where warm saltwater solution pumps into the stomach, can prove beneficial.


Diseases affect holidays like Christmas

Merry Christmas

First of all, Merry Christmas to all of you, my dear friends. We hope you will enjoy this festive season with the cheer while keeping your loved ones safe.

Here, we have given some tips to help you stay safe this Christmas season. 

How did the diseases affect holidays like Christmas?

Although Christmas is a festival that brings great happiness and enjoyable moments, at the same time, it also causes something very unexpected. Our careless manners at Christmas contribute to the rise or spread of several diseases. In this Covid situation, the risk is at its peak.

Diseases that are on the rapid mode this Christmas 

Coronavirus disease 

Covid is a headache of the entire world and a possible disease in all types of festivals or public gatherings. Its consequences are over the limit and can result in different kinds of physical, psychological, and financial issues. Covid is a disease of the crowd, and eventually, Christmas is also a festival of group and fun.

Common cold 

The common cold is also a common disease of Christmas and can badly spoil your festival. A common cold is not that common and can cause viral infection, cough, and runny nose, which is enough to destroy your mood. However, you can cope with this disease using Paracetamol or other effective medicine.

The flu

The flu is like a big brother of the common cold and must to avoid if you want to enjoy Christmas. The flu causes similar symptoms to the common cold. Flu symptoms may include fever, cough, aches, loss of appetite, and sore throat. You should go for immediate medical help if you feel the flu this Christmas.

Christmas tree syndrome 

Christmas tree syndrome is an allergy that can afflict even those who do not typically suffer from allergies or hay fever. Its symptoms may include watering eyes, runny nose, coughing, and asthma attacks. Doctors may recommend antihistamines for such people.


Seasonal affective disorder or S.A.D. has only been recognized as a genuine condition characterized by behavioral issues. Its symptoms like irritability, craving for carbs, and lethargy can also disrupt your festival.

Holiday season safety tips

  1. Replace Old Lights and use them correctly

The colorful lights indeed bring holiday cheer, but they can be a risk for your safety. Make sure you use each light at its proper place and always turn them off when leaving home. Also, do not forget to replace old broken lamps or others which can cause a short circuit.

  1. Practice car safety when traveling 

Driving with the necessary traffic and operating rules is always crucial, but the Christmas travel season can be hazardous. You should give your car for proper servicing before taking it to the Christmas crowd. Always carry an emergency kit with you and give yourself extra time to avoid rushing on the road.

  1. Watch out for online shopping fraud

Unfortunately, the Christmas shopping season is fraught with fraud. While you shop, make sure the website you are dealing with is genuine – fraudulent websites with a similar name can trick you into giving away banking details. When checking out, make sure the payment page address starts with HTTPS where “s” stands for secure.

  1. Follow healthy habits

Hand washes: You must wash your hands before and after eating anything or touching something that may have germs. While cleaning your hands, make sure you use soap and running water for up to 20 seconds.

Manage Stress: Take time and do things you enjoy more if you feel stressed. Social communication, professional support, and good sleep are some of the best ways to manage stress.

Stay dry and warm: Cold is the main problem nowadays. You should wear proper outdoor clothing, including gloves, scarves, hats, and waterproof boots.

Avoid drinking before or while driving: People who drive after taking alcohol put themselves and people around them. So please dont have a drink drive this festive season.

Get your vaccine doses: Covid-19 is not over yet and is affecting people in the form of omicron. Please take both doses as soon as possible and maintain physical distancing during the entire festival season.

Prepare food safely: Every time you enter your kitchen, follow these basic rules: wash your hands, cook food at the proper temperature, avoid cross-contamination and refrigerate foods promptly.

Eat healthily and stay active: Eating healthy food is necessary to live healthy in all seasons. We recommend you eat healthy foods that contain an appropriate amount of nutrients which help lower the risk for certain diseases.

Fire safety tips for the holiday season

Most residential fire accidents occur in the winter season. We recommend you avoid leaving fireplaces, food cooking on stoves, space heaters, or candles unattended. Also, keep anti-fire tools in your home or a place where the fire can occur.

Bottom Line

Festivals are for life, but life is not for celebrations. So please dont do anything that can harm your physical or psychological health. Always follow basic safety rules and enjoy a healthier and happier Christmas and New Year.

It’s enough for today. I hope you guys will take your and our health seriously. Thank You and Merry Christmas again.