Pancreatic Cancer

All You Need to Know About Pancreatic Cancer

What type of condition is pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer is a condition in which cancer cells form in the pancreas tissue. Health history and smoking can trigger this type of cancer. Pancreatic cancer is usually not detected until advanced stages as it is hard to see its signs and symptoms. 

Pancreatic-Cancer stage 1

In 2021, an estimated 60,430 adult people (28,480 women and 31,950 men) in the United States will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. And the condition accounts for about 3% of all people with cancers. 

These data show the impact of pancreatic cancer in the United States. It is the tenth most common cancer in men and the eighth-most common cancer in women. 

In today’s blog, we will discuss pancreatic cancer and let you know about the best ways to avoid pancreatic cancer. 

What is the pancreas?

Since pancreatic cancer commonly occurs in the pancreas, you must know about it. The pancreas is a small, hockey-shaped gland located behind the stomach. The primary function of this gland is to aid in food digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. The pancreas is involved in maintaining blood sugar levels as it produces glucagon and insulin. 

So, pancreatic cancer occurs in the pancreas when changes in the gland cells lead them to multiply out of control. It is a widespread type of cancer that affects millions of people all over the world, as mentioned earlier in the blog. 

Professionals do not know exactly know pancreatic cancer happens, but some factors like genetics and sex, and age can be vital. We will discuss it in detail later in the blog. 

Symptoms of pancreatic-cancer

The signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer often do not appear until the later stages. Its symptoms can also resemble the character and symptoms of other health conditions, which can make diagnosis even more challenging.

Some common symptoms include:

  • abdominal or back pain and jaundice, which affects around 70% of people;
  • low appetite, or weight loss;
  • swelling of the gallbladder and liver blood clots;
  • vein thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism;
  • diabetes pale gray and fatty stool;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fever and chills;
  • in some cases, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation, indigestion, a rash due to jaundice;
  • If cancer spreads, new symptoms can appear elsewhere in the body, etc. 

It is not a complete list of symptoms caused by pancreatic-cancer. Some other complications may also occur in addition to these above-given symptoms. You must visit a doctor to confirm if you have anything abnormal in your pancreas or near the stomach

How does pancreatic cancer form?

Pancreatic cancer forms when your pancreas develops mutations in its DNA. A cell’s DNA includes the instructions that tell a cell how to react or what to do. These changes mean the cells develop uncontrollably and continue living after normal cells would die. These kinds of cells can convert into tumors. The pancreatic cancer cells can spread to blood vessels and other organs to distant body parts when left untreated. 

Pancreatic cancer causes

It is not clearly known what causes of pancreatic-cancers. However, researchers have identified some risk factors associated with pancreatic cancers. 

Risk factors may include;

  • Smoking cigarettes and using other forms of tobacco.
  • Obesity or high weight is also a risk factor.
  • Carrying heavy weight around the waist might be a risk factor even without obesity.
  • We are having diabetes type 2, which is linked to obesity.
  • The development of diabetes type 2 at an older age and in an individual with an average weight and body mass index.
  • We are being exposed to substances used by dry cleaners and metal laborers.
  • Having long-term pancreatitis or permanent inflammation of the pancreas is usually connected with smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol.

Other risk factors that you can’t change may include:

Hereditary long-term pancreatitis because of gene changes passed from parent to child. Hereditary syndromes with changes in genes — such as BRCA genes passed from parent to child. And;

  • Being older than 45.
  • Being Black.
  • Being male
  • Being of Ashkenazi Jewish descent

Stages of pancreatic cancer

Professionals use several ways to stage pancreatic-cancer, and the method used for this purpose is called TNM classification. Here are the four main categories which can define the stage of cancer. 

Resectable (localized)

This pancreatic cancer can be surgically removed, and in which surgery is done right after diagnosis. Sometimes additional treatment may be required. About 10 to 15 percent of patients are diagnosed with this stage. 

Borderline resectable

This category described a tumor that may be difficult to remove surgically when diagnosed. But if radiation therapy or chemotherapy can shrink the tumor, surgery may be possible to remove the tumor. 

Locally Advanced

This stage is still located only in the area around the pancreas, but it cannot be surgically removed as it grows into nearby arteries, organs, or veins. This means this type of pancreatic cancer cannot be removed with surgery as the risk of damaging these structures is too high. About 35 to 40 percent of patients are diagnosed with it. 


In this category, the tumor has spread beyond the pancreas and other organs like lungs, liver, and other parts of the abdomen. About 45 to 55 percent of patients are suffering from this stage. 

In simple terms, pancreatic cancer has four stages, which are; 

  • Stage 0
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Stage 4

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer stage 1

  • Abdominal discomfort that radiates to your back.
  • Yellowing of your face skin and the whites of your eyes 
  • Loss of appetite or unexpected weight loss.
  • Light-colored stools.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Dark-colored urine.
  • New diagnosis of diabetes that’s becoming more difficult to control.
  • Blood clots.

Though we have mentioned most details associated with pancreatic cancers, you have any other doubts; please drop a comment below. You can also visit our official website for more health blogs and information. 

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